Avionics mounting and wiring progress

I managed to measure the battery cable lengths I need, and those are on order from Aircraft Specialty. I also drilled nutplate holes for all the subpanel LRUs.

I fabricated the smaller tailcone avionics shelf (mentioned in the previous post) and drilled it for the GTS800 horizontal mount and the WX-500:

WX-500 (left) and GTS800 (right) mounts on the new tailcone avionics shelf

For the GTR20, I'm gonna have a modified version of the F-10112-R made to mount it on the side.

Stein had routed the stick wires to each side (adding splices near the LRU connectors), so I removed the splices and re-routed the wires to the center so I can have a single wire going down the center console and into the tunnel, where I'll install CPCs to attach the sticks. I'll later do the same for the flap wires.

Stick grip wires coming out of the ~center part of the harness

They also hadn't wired the GSB15 to the avionics dimmer bus, so I spliced the wire going to the PFD and added that connection:

PFD dimmer wire stripped at the center

Splice on the dimmer wire (not horrible for a first attempt)

GSB15 connector with dimmer wire

I also removed the WX-500 "display clear" and "COM inhibit" wires from the main wire bundle - I have no use for the display clear connection, and COM inhibit is only needed if I see interference from the COM radio (at which point I can just plug it back in).

Finally, I added Molex SL connectors to the reversionary switch and to the cowl flaps switch so I can remove the front panel without having to unscrew those from the panel:

Molex SL connector on the reversionary switch wires

Molex SL connector on cowl flap wires

I still have quite a bit more surgery to do to the wire harness. Specifically:
  • Add all the VP-X wires that need to go aft to the main harness 
  • Move the taxi light wire from the VP-X J8 to the J10 connector so all lights are coming from the same side of the VP-X (easier to route)
  • Splice all the light wires so they can go out to both wings (and probably with the correct color wire, rather than all red)
  • Connect the door sensor wires
  • Connect the battery fault LEDs
  • Move flap motor and position wires into the center bundle
  • Redo most of the fuse block wiring
  • Move ELT wires into one of the breakout connectors (GTS?)
  • Add the wing root breakout connectors
  • Route the trim position wires into breakout connectors
  • Connect alternator switch wires
  • Add the AFR input to the GEA24
  • Connect the LED strip properly
Time lapse:

Total avionics time: 34.4h

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