Completed Horizontal Stabilizer! |
Riveting ribs to skins |
Riveting ribs to skins |
Bonding strap screw hole |
Nutplate for the bonding strap screw |
Once that was done and every inside rivet was checked and re-checked (and some replaced), I attached the rear spar to the ribs and then to the skin:
Rear spar ready to be riveted to the HS |
Oops, those holes don't match! |
It was less than 1/32", but enough to make rivets not go in straight:
Diagonal rivets :/ |
I eventually fixed it (with help from VAF once again!) by slowly using a dimple die to bring the skin to alignment around a hole, then clecoing the next hole (and repeating that for every other hole in the spar).
Now, on to finish the elevators! (already about halfway done)
Time lapse:
Total horizontal stabilizer time: 137.1h
Total horizontal stabilizer rivets: 1292
Total empennage time: 311.5h
Total empennage rivets: 2101