FWF kit is here

The FWF kit finally arrived, and was inventoried - almost everything was there. I did make a lot of exclusions, including many of the expensive items like alternator and governor, which explains the small box.

FWF kit 

Contents of the FWF kit

Full list of exclusions:
  • ES ALTERNATOR DELUXE - I'm getting a different one (plus the backup alt) with the engine
  • PROP GOV HZ IO-540 - I'm getting a different MT prop
  • CT BLK THROTTLE 47.5 - gonna use the throttle quadrant instead
  • CT BLUE VPROP 72.5 - gonna use the throttle quadrant instead
  • CT RED VMIXTURE 51.5 - the EFII System32 requires no mixture control
  • EA EXH 10 I(0)-540 - I got the exhaust from Custom Aircraft instead
  • Fuel and oil hoses (VA-102, VA-119, VA-133, VA-135, VA-138, VA-189, VA-190) - got the Aircraft Specialty hoses instead
  • VA-186 - already got this one with my fuselage kit
  • FAB-540 (air box) - getting the Showplanes induction instead
  • EA OIL COOLER 20006A - got the 2007X instead
I'll get started with the bits I can, but I'm still waiting for the engine.

Time lapse:

Wing tip attachment progress

I completed most of the attachment work on the right wingtip, including making and countersinking the hinge spacers, then trimming the remaining edges to just fit between the wing skin and the hinge.

Right wingtip after trimming, with both hinges attached

I then marked and drilled the wingtip inspection covers, and will later use Clickbond nutplates to secure them:

Wingtip inspection panel, marked and initial-drilled

Wingtip inspection panel match-drilled in place

I started work on the left wingtip, much the same way as the right:

Wingtip rib holes to accommodate light mounting

Hinges match-drilled from wing skins, including spacers and intermediate holes

Extended wingtip flange/jog for leveling the hinges

The left wingtip is not finished yet - once I get someone to help hold it in place for match-drilling from the wing skin, I'll be able to attach the hinges to it and finish up. The left wingtip also has one additional consideration - the Bob Archer NAV antenna which needs to have its ground plane extended through the hinges, so I'll need to remove some of the anodizing from those (probably parts of the bottom and the sides of the eyelets).

Time lapse:

Total wingtip time: 31.6h

Doors fully assembled

It was time to finish building the doors - starting with riveting the gas strut brackets:

Gas strut bracket riveted to the door

We painted them (primer, then Country Gray, then a layer of clear):

Painting doors

Painted door

It was then time to reassemble the door mechanism, this time permanently:

Door with latch mechanism and pull strap installed

Door with exterior handle installed

Door latch mechanism installed, showing green "latched" indicator

As expected, securing the rack pins through the hole was a major pain, especially since the handle covers actually interfere with it:

Installing pushrod/rack attachment pin with safety wire, through the tiny inspection hole

Before mounting the cabin cover and doors on, we painted the door "frame" to match the surrounding covers:

Painted mid-cabin deck and bulkheads

We also received the Cee Bailey's windows and windshield, so once the cabin cover is back on, I can install those.

Big box from Cee Bailey's

Next steps are installing the doors on permanently, and installing the transparencies - but that'll only come after the cabin cover is permanently on.

Time lapse:

Total cabin door rivets: 142
Total cabin door time: 184.9h