Engine sensors, System32, GHA15 and more wiring work

I installed the CHT and oil temperature sensors in the engine:

CHT sensors installed in place

Oil temperature sensor with ATM connector

Oil temperature sensor safetied in place

I also finished wiring the System32 (as neatly as I could given its prewired bundles):

Completed ECU wiring in place (bottom view)

Completed ECU wiring in place (side view)

On the main wire bundle, the main challenge with SteinAir making it without having the physical panel is that a lot of the lengths are off - in a couple cases (the GTN bundle and the breakout connectors) it was a bit shorter than I'd like, but in most cases it was too long - like these very generous ground wires and the GEA24 bundle which would hang down onto the copilot's leg:

Super long ground wires I got from Stein, which will need to be trimmed

GEA24 wire bundle hanging down into the copilot leg space

so I shortened the GEA24 by about 8" - luckily, most wires were not connected on the other end so I could just pull them through, but a few others had to be re-pinned. I also realized this is the bundle I'm most likely to make changes to in the future (adding/removing sensors and so on), so I removed the nice-looking sleeving in favor of just wax lacing it:

Shorter GEA24 wire bundle, just wax-laced for ease of future changes

Since I was re-pinning the CAN bus connection to the GEA, I also took the opportunity to add the GHA15 in there, and got started with attaching with its doubler:

Match-drilling the GHA15 doubler in place

GHA15 doubler on the outside for opening up the remaining holes

Yes, the GHA15 is only about 2ft forward of the GA58 antenna, but Garmin doesn't seem very concerned given how far apart the frequencies are (~1GHz at 40W vs 24GHz at 19mW) - worst case, I'll need to adjust positions later by poking more holes into my fuselage. Also, based on the bit of trimming I had to do to the sides of the doubler, I updated the published F360 project so no/little trimming is required.

I also started analyzing the VP-X connections for reliability, and came up with a matrix of what bank I want each device to be on (so a full bank failure leaves me enough on the other bank to keep flying comfortably in IMC). The criteria was:
  • GTN and GNX should be on separate banks (NAV redundancy)
  • GTR and GTN should be on separate banks (COM redundancy)
  • GAD29 should be on the same as the GTN (most useful together)
  • PFD and MFD should be on separate banks (display redundancy)
  • GSU and G5 should be on separate banks (AHRS redundancy)
  • Fans and GTN should be on the same bank (most heat-producing device)
  • GEA and MFD should be on the same bank (most useful together)
  • GMC and GSAs should be on the same bank (most useful together)
  • ALT1 and ALT2 should be on separate banks (alternator redundancy)
  • Landing and recognition lights should be on separate banks (landing light redundancy)
  • IBBS and G5 should be on separate banks (backup battery redundancy)
  • Pitot heat and PFD should be on separate banks (both losing the PFD and getting iced up in IMC would suck)
With that criteria, I came up with a matrix of possibilities (spreadsheet here with a bit of magic in the conditional formatting):

which then let me make the selections:

Next, I'll shorten/move the IBBS wire bundle, wire the EFII display, wire all the switches, and get started on the power wiring updates above.

Time lapse:

Total avionics rivets: 161
Total avionics time: 193.2h

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