The next step in the tailcone attachment was, well, to detach it :) so I did:
Tailcone detached from the fuselage
I added the Panduit conduit mounts to the lightening holes:
Match-drilling Panduit conduit mounts to the bulkhead
The sequence here was to attach the tailcone, the baggage/rear seat floors, drill everything needed (e.g. door, floors, covers, etc.) while the cone was attached, then detach it, so that I could do a single larger batch of primer and need less post-primer drilling.
After that batch of primer, I riveted the bulkheads together:
Bulkheads riveted together and to the Panduit conduit mounts, after primer and paint
and attached those to the fuselage - the plans call for attaching it to the tailcone first, but I figured this would be easier since there are more rivets on the baggage rib attachment:
Bulkhead riveted to the baggage ribs
With this, we finally attached the cone for good:
Tailcone clecoed to the fuselage once again
then riveted it:
Left side skin riveted around the baggage door opening
Fuselage and tailcone longerons bolted together
Tailcone (left) and fuselage (right) bottom skins riveted together
About going out of order and it being easier this way - wellll, at the very end, when we got to the part that would normally be done without the fuselage in place, we screwed up badly on one rivet and had to upsize it. We tried setting the surrounding ones but they were starting to look really bad too, so we removed it all and switched to CherryMax (CR3213-4-2, CR3243-4-2 and a CR3243-5-2 depending on the hole):
Enlarged hole from removing a bad rivet :(
That face you make when you badly enlarged a hole while removing the rivet :)
Fixed bellcrank rib attachment, using CherryMax rivets
With this, section 32 is complete!
Time lapse:
Total tailcone attachment rivets: 236 Total tailcone attachment time: 22.8h
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