Mid-fuselage ribs riveting, part 2

With the parts all primed, I started by riveting various small parts to the ribs:

Step mounting brackets and seat rib subassemblies riveted together
Of course, while doing this, I realized that two little parts had been forgotten when doing primer :( so one more primer session had to be done:

Two seat belt attach lugs I forgot to prime :(
I got lazy this time and decided to do it with rattle-can primer. The color difference doesn't really matter since any apparent parts of the interior will be painted anyway:

Rattle-can-primed seat belt attach lugs, riveted to the rib
I also inserted the heat tee, which allows me to continue riveting the ribs:

Rear tunnel with heat tee installed
I riveted some of those ribs so far:

Most rear seat ribs have been riveted in place

Time lapse:

Total mid-fuselage ribs and bottom skins rivets: 326
Total mid-fuselage ribs and bottom skins time: 55.2h

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